Seaweed Research and Utilisation Journal
Journal Policy:
The Seaweed Research and Utilisation Journal intends to publish only original and unpublished research work on all aspects of basic and applied research on algae (Resource assessment, Systematics, Ecology, Biology, Culture, Cytology, Anatomy, Physiology, Nutrition, Biomedical Application, Utilisation, etc.) leading to a unifying platform for taxonomists, ecologists, biochemists, molecular biologists, and industrialists. The submission of a manuscript for consideration for publication in this Journal implies that the said work is original, has not been published so far, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The submission also implies that all authors have consented to publication of this work in this Journal and that the authors have no conflict of interest.
Plagiarism in any form is considered unethical and unacceptable. It is the author’s sole responsibility to get prior permission for the reproduction of any published material or provide necessary citations in the manuscript. Authors are exclusively responsible for plagiarism in any form, unauthorised use (copyright violation), or manipulation of data in their manuscripts. The Publisher, the Editorial Board members, or the Reviewers are in no way responsible or liable for such violation by authors.
The manuscript is published after peer review by reputed reviewers. The decision of the Editorial in Chief shall be final.
All communications on contributions for publication in the Journal should be addressed to the Chief Editor by email (seaweedrujournal@gmail.com).
Journal Abbreviation: Seaweed Res. Utiln.
ISSN 0971 – 7560
Editor in Chief and Publisher
Prof. K. Padmakumar Centre for Marine Biodiversity, Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala
Dr. A. Murugan
Dr. M. Ganesan.

Associate Editor
Dr. K. Sivakumar
Editorial Board
Dr. V.S.K. Chennubhotla
Prof. B.B. Chaugule
Prof. R. Rengasamy
Dr. P. V. Subba Rao
Dr. C.R.K. Reddy
Dr. K. Eswaran
Dr. M. Baluswami
Prof. N. Thajuddin
Prof. M. Sundararaman
Prof. Hannah R. Vasanthi
Dr. Vaibhav A. Mantri
Dr. V. Sivasubramanian
Prof. S. Ravikumar
Dr. M. Palanisamy
Dr. R. Kannan
Dr. V.R. Mohan

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